W Bro Douglas Hibbert PPrAGReg

3 October 1938  -  29 April 2024


We have been contacted by Adrian, son of W. Bro Douglas (Doug) Hibbert PPrAGReg, about Doug’s passing yesterday.

I understand that Doug’s health worsened about two weeks ago when he was admitted into the Princess of Wales Hospital and he passed to the Grand Lodge Above yesterday.

Doug was initiated into Freemasonry in Llangeinor Lodge No 4194 on 5th December 1984, Passed on 3rd April 1985 and Raised on 5th February 1986.
He was installed as Master of Llangeinor Lodge No. 4194 in May 1996 and was appointed as PPrAGReg in 2002.

Though not able to attend Lodge because of his ongoing conditions Doug maintained a strong interest in the affairs of the Lodge mainly through regular contact with our Almoner, W. Bro. John Hughes.

Our thoughts and sincere condolences are with Doug’s family at this sad and poignant time.

The Funeral Arrangements for W. Bro Douglas Hibbert PPrAGReg

Further to my earlier notice. 

W. Bro Doug’s son Adrian, has asked that I inform you that the funeral service for W. Bro Doug Hibbert will be held at 13.45 hrs on Tuesday 21st May 
at Coychurch (Coity)Crematorium, Bridgend. CF35 6AB. 

Adrian and family extend a warm welcome to join them for light refreshments and to share memories of Doug at
Two Brewers , Brackla, following the funeral service. 

Requiescat In Pace

Yours sincerely and fraternally,
Llangeinor Lodge No. 4194.


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