W Bro David Alwyn (Jimmy) James PPrJGW

7th December 2022


With much sadness, I bring you the news of the passing to the Grand Lodge Above of W.Bro. David Alwyn (Jimmy) James, PPrJGW, at the age of 92.

This news has been passed to me for onward transmission by W.Bro. David R. Bassett, PPrSGD.

Many of you will have known Jimmy (a retired senior Police Officer) as a diligent worker at Dewi Sant Lodge No 9067 for many years, in offices such as Secretary and Almoner. He was also, for several years, a much respected and hugely popular member of my mother Lodge, Morganwg No 5084, where he was Organist and Almoner at various times.

Well done, good and faithful servant.

He survived his dear wife Liz by barely two months, they having been simultaneous inpatients at Bridgend's Princess of Wales Hospital. 

Jimmy and Liz had been active and very popular members of the social life at Morganwg.

Our thoughts and prayers will be with the family at this most difficult time. It is anticipated that Jimmy's funeral will not now take place until the new year, at which time is expected to be at Margam Crematorium, probably due to the ongoing alterations to the main chapel at Coychurch.


Yours fraternally,

Martyn L Daley, PM 5084
PGStB (Craft and RA)


Further to my earlier posting (see below), W.Bro. David R. Bassett has provided updated information concerning the funeral arrangements for Jim.

The service will, as expected, take place at Margam Crematorium on Tuesday 3 January 2023 commencing at 11.15 am. Following the service, refreshment will be available at Bridgend Masonic Hall.

Yours fraternally,

Martyn L Daley, PM 5084
PGStB (Craft and RA)



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