In addition to his proud boast of being "a Briton Ferry
boy", his Masonic priority at all times was his mother lodge at
Neath, the Gnoll Lodge. He was initiated into "The Gnoll" in
1976, and was Master of that lodge in 1986. Thereafter he served the
lodge as both Treasurer, and as lodge Secretary for many years.
He was a Past First Principal of The Gnoll Chapter, serving as First
Principal in both 1993 and 1994, and was Secretary of that Chapter at
the time of his passing.
He also served as MWS of the Neath Chapter of the order of The
Ancient and Accepted Rite for two successive years in 2001 and 2002. In
the Ancient and Accepted rite, he held 31 degrees
A joining member of The Provincial Grand Stewards' Lodge and The
Lord Swansea Lodge, he was Installed as Master of The Lord Swansea Lodge
in 2007.
In Provincial
Grand Lodge, Bro Thomas was appointed Provincial Grand Steward in 1991
and promoted to PPrSGD in 1996. Appointed Provincial Grand Charity
Steward from 2003 to 2008, he was further recognised within Provincial
Grand Lodge with his appointment as Provincial Senior Grand Warden in
He was invited
to become an Executive Officer within Provincial Grand Lodge and
invested as Assistant Provincial Grand Master at a meeting of the R.P.
St John Charles lodge in Swansea in February 2011
Grand rank was conferred on him in 1999 when he was appointed to the
rank of PAGDC, and he achieved his ultimate rank in Craft Masonry of
PSGD in 2012. In Supreme Grand Chapter he was appointed to the rank of
PGStdB in 2008.