Bro Cecil "Pop" Davis PPrSGD
2017 |
It is with great sadness that we bring you the
news of the passing to the Grand Lodge Above of
W.Bro. Cecil "Pop" Davis, PPrSGD, born
18 March 1921 thus achieving 96 years of age. He
died on 30 June 2017
Past Master of Glanogwr Lodge No 8508
Past Master of SWED ProvGStwds Lodge No 8900.
W.Bro. "Pop" was Initiated on 6th September 1975 into Ubique in the East Lodge, No 3338
(London) and joined Joined Glanogwr Lodge No 8508 on 24th February 1994.
He was appointed PPrGStwd in 2008.
Joined SWED ProvGStwds Lodge No 8900 on 5th
April 2008 and became Master in 2012
He was promoted to PPrSGD 2015
was a most loyal member of the Bridgend Good
Neighbours Club and served as our Chairman for
very many years - he will be greatly missed for
his good humour and service.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Cecil's family at this very sad time.
additional note was composed by, and posted at the request of,
W.Bro. Byron F. Butler, PAGDC)
After a long and full life born on 18th March 1921, W Bro. Cecil (Pop) Davis has passed away.
Master of Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge 8900 during the years 2012 and 2013 (his presumed successor passed away) He was aged 96
A former regular soldier, joining up in the Royal Sussex Regiment in 1938, following his father and step father into the services. He was involved with the British Expeditionary Force in 1940, and arrived back in Plymouth some two weeks after the evacuation of Dunkirk. He later served up through Italy, having specialised in sniping and afterwards in Greece.
De-mobbed after 33 years, Pop became a Yeoman Warder at the Tower of London where he served for 15 years, retiring as Chief Yeoman Warder in 1986 when he was recognised by Her Majesty
with the honour of being appointed a Member of the Royal Victorian Order.
Initiated in London's Ubique In the East Lodge, No 3338 in 1975, Pop joined Bridgend's, Glanogwr Lodge, No. 8508 in 1994 and his contribution there as a Master Mason saw him appointed a PPrGStwd. In 2008 Pop became a joining member of Stewards 8900, was installed in 2012, serving two years due to force of circumstance.
Pop was quite unique, proud of having served his family, the Crown and the Craft. and will be missed.
His funeral will be at
Coychurch Crematorium
at 1.45pm on Wednesday 12th July
and afterwards at the Lodge. |