Bro the Rev'd Neville George Jones

12th April 2020


I am advised by W.Bro. Byron F. Butler, PAGDC, that Bro. the Rev. Neville George Jones passed to the Grand Lodge Above earlier today, 12th April 2020. I have no detail of the circumstances of his passing, nor - to be honest - much else at this stage.

Bro. Neville was somewhat irreverently known as "Nev the Rev" in Masonic circles in Bridgend and possibly elsewhere!

A Joining Member of my mother Lodge, Morganwg No 5084, in April 1966. Rev Neville was invested as Junior Warden before resigning from the Lodge in June 1987. He appears to have been Initiated in Offa Lodge, No. 6660 at Wrexham in the Province of North Wales. After his resignation, he maintained a good relationship with the Lodge and its members - indeed I remember asking him to officiate at the funeral of W.Bro. Ron Moon, PAGDC, in 2003 to which he readily agreed. 

If further information comes to hand, I will let you know via this medium.


Yours fraternally,
Martyn Daley


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