
 Bridgend Masonic Community
News Board

(Page Updated  :  05 March 2025 at 08:40)
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Rapid Access News Index
The index is re-ordered periodically ~ you may use these links or scroll down the page





The Welsh Blood Service is calling on Bridgend Masonic Hall to start saving lives!

Mae Gwasanaeth Gwaed Cymru yn galw ar fyfyrwyr Neuadd Masoneiddio Pen-y-Bont i ddechrau achub bywydau!

The actual act of donating blood only takes 5-10 minutes to do, but for someone in need, that blood could last a lifetime. Mae'r weithred o roi gwaed ond yn cymryd 5-10 munud i'w wneud, ond i rywun mewn angen, gallai'r gwaed hwnnw bara oes.


Book to give blood Trefnwch apwyntiad i roi gwaed






Coychurch Road, Bridgend, CF31 2AP
The dining room will be open for lunch between 12pm and 2pm
Bar facilities will also be open
To book a table please contact Mrs Jayne Rogers on - 07791 452 988
We are open for Masons and Non Masons
Click the image to enlarge - Close the Tab to return here
            sun-carv-02.jpg (104898 bytes)       sun-carv-01.jpg (170523 bytes)        sun-carv-03.jpg (120225 bytes)
Hall Refurbishment 2021

Hall Renovations and the new Bar and Lounge

Full range of photographs

Vale of Glamorgan 
Mini-Bus Services
Extension to the Bar 2021

Hall Renovations and the new Bar and Lounge

Full range of photographs

Financial Statement 2021
Please visit the MEMBERS Area

Username & Password required
Masonic Regalia
Recycled & Exchange
Bridgend Catering
Menus & Prices
Good Neighbours
Masonic Charitable
Masonic Diariesz
New Regalia
Teddies for Love Samaritan Fund Foodbank/Shelter Social Media Guides Festival Report 2021
Ogmore History Christmas for Children Carols 2017 Trustee Minutes Provincial News
Carols 2016 Carols 2015 Carols 2014 Carols 2013 Carols 2012
Remembrance Sunday 2016 Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge Memorial Submission
Financial Statement 2018 2019 2020
Please visit the MEMBERS Area

Username & Password required
Provincial Office 
Car Parking Hall Access
Trustees Meetings Minutes February & May 2023
Uploaded to Members Area
Memorials & Obituary Pages for Brethren 
Memorial Notices for Spouses and Family of our Brethren
Mrs Isabel Crowley
(W Bro Sylvester Crowley)
Mrs Val David

(W Bro Roger David)

Mr Jonathon Lewis

(W Bro John Lewis)

Mrs Anne Edwards
(W Bro Dyfrig Edwards)
Mrs Carol Lewis
(W Bro John Lewis)
Mrs Liz James

(W Bro Jimmy James)

Mr Andrew James
(Son of W Bro D A [Jimmy] James)
Life is terrible for some local people and little children!
Remember to get a few things for Bridgend Foodbank at the Supermarket
The Bridgend Shelter needs your old clothes to help those in need
Click here for the full details please

Submission Link for News Items

Entry Date

Item Description



Vale of Glamorgan Community Transport
The Greenlinks Bus Services
These services are hosted by the Vale Council and serve the villages of the Vale
They provide a door-to door mini-bus service and cover also the main hospitals
This service is great for serving the villages as most have no other public transport
It is used weekly by me, Sylvester Crowley, in travelling from Cowbridge to the Hall and when required from home to Princessof Wales, Tesco, Bridgend town, Health Centre.
By prior arrangement all the return trips can booked as well. 
Greenlinks Membership
By paying a £5.00 membership fee, you can use the Greenlinks Community Transport service
 to request transport for as little as £2.00 for each journey.

Please complete a membership application form and return to:

Community Transport Officer

Vale of Glamorgan Council
Alps Depot and Offices
Alps Quarry Road
Vale of Glamorgan

Telephone :  0800 294 1113

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MENUS & PRICES as of 20th APRIL 2022

Dear Secretaries, Scribes and Administrators,

"It is Essential that all administrators communicate the following to their Dining Stewards"

Following a review of our catering services, as from Tuesday 19th April 2022, meals will now be provided by J.R. Catering Services.

I have attached their menu on this link, and you will please note that all meals are to be ordered through Jayne and her contact details are at the bottom of the menu.

Payment for the meals ordered, are directly yo the caterer on the night of dining.

These prices are for Masonic Dining, and any external dining, the prices will be available on request.

Dining Plans must be forwarded to Mike Johnson and copied to myself, incase mike is unavailable, and must be received within 2 days of the meeting.

Many of you will be aware of the quality of the services provided by J.R. Services to other Masonic Centers, and we welcome Jayne and her team to Bridgend.

Kind fraternal regards,

Menu Link for J R Catering Services
Bridgend Masonic Hall April 2022

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11 January 2022





Brethren, on behalf of the Bridgend Masonic Trust Social Committee I'd like to thank all those Brethren and Lodges for their support again this year. Once again we were unable to have a Christmas party due to the current pandemic and the vulnerability of the children but, with your support, we were able to give each child £25 towards a Christmas present. I have attached thank you letters from Ysgol Bryn Castell and Heronsbridge schools. I have also received a card from Llangewydd infants with photo's of the children opening their presents but, due to their ages, I am unable to publish them. Once again we thank you for your support and if any Brother or Lodge who has not yet donated wishes to donate please send your donation to our treasurer: W.B. Brian Murrell 50 Wyndham Crescent, Bridgend, CF31 3DN

Yours S+F 
WB Stewart Richards
Message of thanks from Heronsbridge School
Message of thanks from Ysgol Bryn Castell

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In Memoriam and Obituaries
If you wish to submit details,  either recent or historical,
  we will be pleased to try to include them
Photographs are welcome

Memorial & Obituary Submissions

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Freemasons' Hall
Coychurch Road ~ Bridgend~ CF31 2AP

Meetings at Bridgend Masonic Hall

The Second Tuesday of 
Jan Feb Mar Apr May 
Jun Jul Sep Oct Nov

Second Wednesday
Christmas Lunch and Festivities


Bar Opens 11.30am 
Buffet Lunch 12.30pm
Entertainment Follows

Link for contact and further details

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Bridgend Regalia Exchange

We are pleased to be able to celebrate ten years of Masonic Regalia Recycling.  We  offer our thanks for the support and generosity of Freemason everywhere. We have acquired clients here in Wales as well as in other parts of the United Kingdom also France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Holland and other European countries together with Australia, Ukraine, United State of America and elsewhere. Should any of our readers have unwanted items from any Masonic Order it would be so helpful if you could consider donating them to our stocks. Many Brethren of limited means have found regalia from our Exchange to be so very useful and economic.  Our basic policy is to offer good quality second-hand regalia at approximately one-third of the commercial price but we remain open for offers from our clients.

As we begin another  'season' we have re-written our web site in order to discard a huge number of background operational files and to present a new and fresh appearance for our clients.  

We have quite large stocks of Craft (Light & Dark Blue), Holy Royal Arch and a huge collection of jewels - current and charity - that are in good condition and are often sought by regalia collectors.  Prices vary but we are always open to offers especially when multiple purchases are considered.

The URL remains as:

So now, with the new Masonic season upon us we appeal for regalia donations once again. We have exhausted our stocks of the following items and hope there will be replacements from our Brethren:

Mark and RAM,
Secret Monitor and Scarlet Cord,
Royal & Select Masters, Royal Order of Scotland,
Rose Croix,
Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, 
Red Cross of Constantine,
Allied Masonic Degrees, The 'Operatives'
The various orders of our Lady Masons
R.A.O.B and others ...........

Donations of unwanted regalia really DO assist many Brethren where the pressures of today's world often make serious demands on the domestic purse. 
Our Aims & Origins can be read on our Web Site: 

Once again Hugh Thomas and Phillip Aubrey join with me in thanking you for your support in purchasing and recycling regalia 
and for the most welcome cash donations to our funds. 

Sylvester Crowley
Geoffrey Ashe Court, Cowbridge, South Wales
07827 675 190

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Please bring this notice below to the attention of all Brethren,

No doubt you will have noticed that our carpark has been white lined / upgraded. This was done to maximise safe parking. You will also have noticed that the one-way system around the building has been re-instated in order to minimise the chance of road traffic collision. 

Please be advised that, as the car park is open to public access, the provisions of the Road Traffic Act apply and, should these not be observed, your car insurance may be invalid.


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Available to the wider community whenever the building is open

This instrument was delivered to the Hall on Wednesday 17th June 2015.  It was purchased from the charity " Welsh Hearts" for £800.  This sum was shared equally following successful propositions from Ogmore and Adare Lodges.  

The funds were available thanks to the bequest made to these Lodges from the estate of the late and much respected W Bro Kenneth Viles.

Chairman of the Trustees, W Bro C Hugh Thomas PGStdB, offered a warm welcome to the director of the charity, Sharon Owen, and her team as shown in the photograph and of course to the members of our community who had come to learn about the Defibrillator.  

This welcome was followed by a short address from Sharon Owen about the conditions indicating this kind of treatment and went on to run a training session to demonstrate the use of the apparatus.

The Bridgend Masonic building now has this important item of equipment available permanently.  Another training session will be arranged for the Autumn to expand the numbers of Brethren capable of assisting should an incident occur. 

Time is of the essence in such incidents and confidence and knowledge in the use of the Defibrillator is paramount.

Those Brethren who would like to know more and perhaps form part of the group of trained operators are invited to add their names to the list for the next training session.  Please be assured that no pressure will be exerted on those who, after seeing the demonstrations, choose not to participate.  This is very much a personal decision.


Notification email to Jan Deenik

defib-pic-01.jpg (490393 bytes)

Click this thumbnail picture to enlarge to full size


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Published in the Members private section
Username & Password Required
Bridgend Freemasons may apply using the 
Application Form on the Members Section

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13 November 2016
W Bro Richard Peiltzer, accompanied by a distinguished guard of DPrGM, PrGChStwd and DPrGDC had the honour of laying the Wreath on behalf of the Province at St.Mary's Church, Swansea today.
Brother Richard, now a youthful 92years young, had a distinguished wartime service as an underwater diver.


We salute Worshipful Brother Richard, PPSGW and all who gave such brave service in war and peace.
From Byron Butler


remembrance16.jpg (276995 bytes)

Click to enlarge to full size


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A Huge Initiative in Support of Children

Please read the details here


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in support of the

Click here for all the detail and the South Wales Areas


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This is a permanent Appeal to everyone who visits our Site
Please click the link for full information

Bridgend Shelter and the Bridgend Foodbank


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Masonic  Samaritan Fund
Reproduced by kind permission of 
West Wales Mason 
Submitted by W Bro Byron Butler PAGDC
Click this link to read the article


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History of  Ogmore Lodge 

has been uploaded

See:  Bridgend Groups on Right Hand List

Ogmore Lodge 1752


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South Wales
 Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge No 8900

Lodge History


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Brethren who require access to the Hall during closed periods 
are asked to contact the 
Secretary of the Trust on : 07761 584 126

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Bridgend Combined Lodges
Annual Carols Service 2017

Nine Lessons & Carols
Smyrna Welsh Baptist Chapel
Friday 8th December 2017

The collection will be divided equally between
The Provincial Samaritan Fund 
Smyrna Baptist Chapel

Donations from Brethren unable to attend are most welcome and will be faithfully applied
Cheques payable to:  "BMLCT" marked 'Carols' on the back may be given 
or sent to our organiser W Bro Dyfrig Edwards of Glanogwr Lodge.

Mr T Dyfrig Edwards, 
c/o Masonic Hall, Coychurch Road, Bridgend, CF31 2AP

The organisers appeal to our Ladies please
for assistance serving at the after-proceedings in the Chapel Vestry. 
 The refreshments consist of 
Tea/Coffee/Mulled Wine/Mince Pies
Volunteers please contact 

W Bro Dyfrig Edwards


The Report of the Carols Service
W Bro T Dyfrig Edwards

The service was opened with a sincere and heartfelt welcome by the Rev Alwyn Evans BA the minister at Smyrna Welsh Baptist Chapel Pen y Fai to all those present.
We were honoured by the attendance of :
Asst Prov Grand Master W Bro William Jenkins, 
Prov Grand Secretary W Bro Gerald Rowbottom
Prov Grand Chaplain W Bro The Rev Edward Dowland Owen.
The chair of the Trust W Bro Richard J Phillips opened with an introductory welcome to all present. He also graciously thanked the organiser W Bro T Dyfrig Edwards.
The service then began with the bidding prayer delivered by the Prov Gnd Chaplain and The Lords Prayer recited by all.
The representatives of the Bridgend Lodges then read portions of the scriptures, interspersed with carols in a dignified seamless manner.

The Prov Gnd Secretary read the penultimate portion of scripture from the book of 
St Mathew, Math2 vs1 -11 with heartfelt dignity. 
The final lesson was read by the Prov Gnd Chaplain followed by the final Carol, during which a free will offering was taken and blessed by the Chaplain.
The closing was then conducted by the Chaplin.
The congregation was then invited to retire to the vestry where tea, coffee and mulled wine were on offer along with mince pies.
During this time the Asst Prov Gnd Master, W Bro William Jenkins congratulated everyone for both partaking and attending the service, he also said he wished to take part next time.
Wor. Bro Gerald Rowbottom was invited to speak, he also commended the service and wished all present his best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.
W Bro T Dyfrig Edwards thanked the Provincial Officers most sincerely for their attendance and help in delivering such a delightful service, at the same time he announced the collection had been made up by the trust to a sum of £300 which will be divided equally between the Provincial Samaritan Fund And Smyrna chapel.
Finally the Trustees offer their thanks to the Minister The Reverend Alwyn Evans BA the Deaconate and Organist and Secretary Peter David for their continued help and support.


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Bridgend Masonic Lodges Charitable Trust

The Joint Lodges Annual Service 2016
Nine Lessons and Carols  ~  Smyrna Baptist Chapel

Friday 16th December 2016

The Bridgend Masonic Lodges Charitable Trust organised once again an evening of Nine Lessons and Carols at Smyrna Baptist Chapel, Penyfai which was well attended by Masons and their families.

Program Links (pdf)


The organist as always was 
Mr Peter David FNCM
Secretary, Organist & Deacon of Smyrna

The Carol service this year began with a sincere and warm welcome from the Rev'd Alwyn Evans the minister of Smyrna,who had insisted on being in attendance even while suffering a heavy cold.
Our Provincial Grand Chaplain W Bro the Rev'd Edward Dowland-Owen opened the service with the Bidding Prayer.

The Chairman of Bridgend Masonic Trust W Bro Richard Phillips gave the introductory address for the first time, he welcomed everyone and thanked members of the lodges and their families for their continued support, so began a wonderful evening of readings from God's Word read by Masters of Bridgend Lodges interspersed by traditional carols sung with gusto to a wonderful accompaniment on a fine organ by Mr Peter David, who is also Chapel secretary.

We were honoured with the presence of the Provincial Grand Secretary W Bro D Gerald Rowbottom PSGD, PAPGM who also delivered God's Word from St. Matthew Chapter 2 and remained to enjoy fellowship in the vestry.

During the singing of the last carol a free will collection was taken, the proceeds of the collection was made up to £300 by the Trust and donated to Smyrna's appeal for the purchase of a defibrillator.

The Rev'd Edward Dowland Owen then closed the service with prayers and Blessing, and inviting the congregation to retire to the vestry for tea, coffee or mulled wine accompanied by mince pies.

Finally the Trust acknowledged the immense help of the Minister, deacons and members again this year. Also a personal thanks to those Chapel members who helped my wife Ann and myself in preparing the vestry and serving refreshments.

Many thanks to all,
Dyfrig Edwards
Deputy Chair Bridgend Masonic Trust.

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda.

2016carols-03.jpg (655009 bytes)

Click this thumbnail to view an enlarged copy of the 
photograph  of the principal participants at our Service

For those interested in the oldest Welsh Baptist Chapel in Wales
with Worship going back for over 300 years please see the web site:
Smyrna Web Site:

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Bridgend Masonic Lodges Charitable Trust

The Joint Lodges Annual Service 2015
Nine Lessons and Carols  ~  Smyrna Baptist Chapel

Friday 18th December 2015

The Bridgend Masonic Lodges Charitable Trust organised once again an evening of Nine Lessons and Carols at Smyrna Baptist Chapel, Penyfai which was well attended by Masons and their families.

Program Links (pdf)


The organist as always was 
Mr Peter David FNCM
Secretary, Organist & Deacon of Smyrna

Our Assistant Provincial Grand Master W Bro The Rev'd Alistair Swinford, who is the incumbent Minister for Smyrna, began the evening with a heartfelt welcome to everyone to the Chapel and by leading the opening prayers of the Service.

The Chairman of the Masonic Trust, W Bro C.Hugh Thomas PGStdB gave the introductory address and expressed his pleasure at seeing so many visitors and Members of the Bridgend Fraternity supporting this occasion

During the Service the Lessons were interspaced with popular carols and were read by the reigning Masters of Bridgend Craft Lodges, together with W. Bro. William Jenkins Assistant Provincial Grand Master and our Provincial Grand Chaplain W Bro The Rev'd Edward Dowland-Owen who is the Vicar of the Cowbridge Group of Churches. Brother The Rev'd Edward closed the service with prayers and his Blessing. 

We were very pleased to welcome our Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V W Bro Roy Woodward, who said how delighted he was to be able to attend, had enjoyed the singing and the company and expressed the wish that this very worthwhile Service would continue in years to come and flourish.

The congregation gathered afterwards in the Vestry for mince pies and mulled wine and to enjoy informal conversation in very good company.

The proceeds of the very generous collection will be shared equally between the Chapel and the Provincial Samaritan Fund. 

Finally, the Trustees wish to acknowledge the help and support given once again by the Deaconate and Members of Smyrna by making their Chapel available and by their most generous welcome. 

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda.
(W Bro Byron Butler PAGDC)

smyrna2015.jpg (466335 bytes)

Click this thumbnail to view an enlarged copy of the 
photograph  of the principal participants at our Service

For those interested in the oldest Welsh Baptist Chapel in Wales
with Worship going back for over 300 years please see the web site:
Smyrna Web Site:

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Joint Lodges Annual Service 2014
Nine Lessons and Carols  ~  Smyrna Baptist Chapel

20th December 2014

The Bridgend Masonic Lodges Charitable Trust last evening organised once again an evening of Nine Lessons and Carols at Smyrna Baptist Chapel, Penyfai which was well attended by Masons and their families.

The Christmas message was read by the reigning Masters of each of the craft lodges of Ogmore 1752, Adare 9247, Llangeinor 4194, Ewenny 8485, Glanogwr 8508, Penybont 6743, Morganwg 5084, by Past Master Roger Thomas for Dewi Sant 9067 and by our Provincial Grand Secretary W. Bro. Gerald Rowbottom.

Between each reading carols were sung with gusto by an enthusiastic congregation of Masons, their families and friends throughout the district. It was a delight to be able to welcome our much respected and loved Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V W Brother Peter Frost and Mrs. Frost who travelled from Cowbridge to support the event.

At the end of the carol service all restored to the chapel vestry where mulled wine and mince pies were served. The company was excellent and much friendly chat was enjoyed by everyone.

The Trustees join together to wish all Brethren and their families in our Province a Happy Christmas and to those in distress for whatever cause relief from their suffering

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda.
(W Bro Byron Butler PAGDC)

(The organist as always was Mr Peter David FNCM - Secretary, Organist & Deacon of Smyrna)

smyrna-2014-c.jpg (238571 bytes)

Click this thumbnail to view an enlarged copy of the 
photograph  of the principal participants at our Service

For those interested in the oldest Welsh Baptist Chapel in Wales
with Worship going back for over 300 years please see the web site:

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e 2013

Joint Lodges Annual Service 2013
Nine Lessons and Carols  ~  Smyrna Baptist Chapel

smyrna2013.jpg (301238 bytes)

The Bridgend Masonic Lodges Charitable Trust Carol Service was held on the evening of Friday last, 20th December 2013, at Smyrna Baptist Chapel, Penyfai.  This ancient chapel with more than 300 years of history is recognized as the oldest practicing Baptist Chapel in Wales. It stands on the site of even older premises dedicated to nonconformist worship.

The Service of Nine Readings and Carols took place in the presence of senior Brethren with readings by the reigning Masters of Bridgend Lodges and our RW. Provincial Grand Master under the supervision and participation of our Assistant PGM, the Reverend Brother Alistair Swinford together with our Provincial Grand Chaplain and his Assistant, the Reverend Brothers Gareth Thomas and Edward Dowland Owen.

The congregation was welcomed by our Chairman, Brother C Hugh Thomas.  As in previous years, at the close of the service Brethren and visitors restored to the Vestry for animated conversations helped along with mulled wine, and an abundance of mince pies, tea and coffee served by the ladies of Smyrna Chapel.

The Trust would like to place on record our thanks to our Brother Alistair, the Deaconate of Smyrna, their splendid organist Peter David and our great appreciation to the ladies for their ever ready welcome and hospitality.

The "plate" will be shared between the Chapel and our Provincial Samaritan Fund.

With my very good wishes for abundant blessings for Christmas and the New Year.


Posted January 2014

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ce 2012

Joint Lodges Annual Service 2012
Nine Lessons and Carols  ~  Smyrna Baptist Chapel

smyrna2012-carols.jpg (471445 bytes)

Click to enlage

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In Memoriam and Obituaries
If you wish to submit details,  either recent or historical,
  we will be pleased to try to include them
Photographs are welcome

Memorial & Obituary Submissions

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Morganwg Lodge No 5084
Family Bereavement
Mrs Liz James

It is with sadness that I relay to you news that has been passed to me by W.Bro. David R. Bassett, PPrSGD, and his wife Dee.

Mrs Liz James, wife of W.Bro. Jimmy James died yesterday 6th October 2022 at the Princess of Wales Hospital in Bridgend.

Both Liz and Jim were inpatients at the same time and Jimmy is still there. He is suffering, I understand, from a UTI and confusion - which can often be related, although I don't know if they are in Jim's case. He will be 92 next month.

Many of you will know Jimmy (a retired senior Police Officer) as a faithful servant of Dewi Sant Lodge No 9067, for many years. He was also, for several years, a much respected and hugely popular member of my mother Lodge, Morganwg No 9084, where he was Organist and Almoner at various times. Jimmy and Liz were active and popular members of the social life at Morganwg.

Our thoughts and prayers will be with Jimmy and their family at this most difficult time. No funeral details are yet known.

The funeral service for Mrs Elizabeth James will take place at 10.00 am on Wednesday 19 October 2022. The service will begin at St Mary's Church, Coity, where Liz was a member of the congregation and an active chorister. The committal will take place subsequently at Coychurch Crematorium. 

It should be noted, however, that space will be more restricted than is customary at the Crematorium. The main (Crallo) chapel is under refurbishment, so the smaller - half the size - (Coity) Chapel will be used.

Yours sincerely and fraternally,

Martyn Daley, PM 5084
for W.Bro. Brian Murrell, PPrGStwd, Lodge Almoner


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Morganwg Lodge No 5084
Family Bereavement
Mr Jonathon Lewis

I must bring you the sad news of the passing of Mr Jonathan Lewis, the son of W.Bro. John Lewis, PPrGSwdB, and the blood brother of Bro.. David P. Lewis, both being well known and much respected members of Bridgend's Morganwg Lodge. Jonathan had been particularly unwell for some months and it is understood that he was being treated for a brain tumour. This is the second major tragedy to befall the Lewis family in 2018; Mrs Carol Lewis, wife of John, Mother of Jonathan, David and Anthony, died almost exactly four months ago.

Indeed, 2018 has not been kind to the members of Morganwg Lodge generally. Jonathan is the third relatively young man closely related to Morganwg members to succumb since January. The others were the son-in-law of W.Bro. John Hek; and the son of W.Bro. Brian Murrell (who features in the new edition of Y Dalaith). We have also lost W.Bro. Norman O. Thomas, PPrSGW, one of our senior Past Masters. It is to be sincerely hoped that the remainder of the year passes uneventfully.

Our immediate thoughts and prayers will be directed towards, John, David and the family at this tragic time.


Further to my earlier notice  I have just had an email from Bro. David Lewis, presumably from his home in Western Austrailia, providing details of his brother, Jonathan's funeral.

t will take place on Thursday 13 September, initially at 3pm at St Mary's RC Church, Ewenny Road, Bridgend, CF31 3HS followed by the committal at 3.45pm at Coychurch Crematorium, CF35 6AB.

I know that we will give the family all the support we possibly can.


Yours sincerely and fraternally,

Martyn Daley, PM 5084
for W.Bro. Brian Murrell, PPrGStwd, Lodge Almoner


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Mrs Carol Lewis

It is with great sadness that I advise you of the passing, last weekend, of Mrs Carol Lewis after a short illness.

Carol was the wife of W.Bro. John Lewis, PPrGSwdB, Past Master and currently Chaplain and Charity Steward of Morganwg Lodge, No. 5084. Carol and John had (I believe) three sons, one of whom is Bro. David Paul Lewis also of Morganwg Lodge.

David, who lives and works in Western Australia, tells me that he learned of his mother's condition on Thursday of last week, and returned to the UK immediately.

Carol was a lovely lady whose passing will be greatly lamented by all those who had ever had the privilege of her company. Her soft Irish accent was a joy to hear and she together with John, was very proud of her family. 

The funeral of Mrs Carol Lewis will take place at 11am on Saturday 12 May 2018, at St. Mary's RC Church, Ewenny Road, Bridgend, CF31 3HS followed by interment at 11.45am at St. Crallo's Churchyard, Coychurch, Bridgend.

Our thoughts and prayers are with John and the family at this very sad time.


Yours fraternally,

Martyn Daley, PM 5084
on behalf of the Lodge Almoner, W.Bro. Brian Murrell, PPrGStwd

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Mrs Isabel Margaret Crowley


Obituary :

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(Wife of W Bro Roger David)


It is with a heavy heart that I have to let you know that Mrs Val David passed away at 7.00am today.

Val was doing really well and had been moved from intensive care to a general ward yesterday and was in good spirits and determined to cope with the removal of part of her leg.

Then at 5pm yesterday I heard from Roger that the infection was back and she was to have further surgery and at 11.00pm she was taken to theatre to remove the rest of her leg above the knee. Unfortunately this proved too much and this lead to her passing away.

We are all aware how close Roger and Val were and it must be devastating for him and we share his loss.

S & F,

Peter Davies
Almoner - Adare Lodge

Additional Message from W Bro Peter Davies:

Brethren, I spoke to W.Bro Roger David yesterday and he has me to forward the message below.

Roger is being supported by his family, and as we all will understand, it is an extremely difficult time for him. It is good to know that he is having some comfort from the cards and messages he is receiving and I am sure that we will respect his privacy in enquiring about the circumstances regarding Val's passing, the events of which are still very raw and painful to Roger.

Dear Brethren,

Please accept my sincere apologies for having to dwell for a time on the loss of my dear wife Val. It will take a long time for me to recover because for 52 years we have done everything together. I am being reminded that a lot of people care and I can’t hide forever. Therefore anyone wishing to call at my house will be made very welcome – please ring first as we are back and fore making arrangements. 

The funeral has been arranged for 
March 27th at 1:15pm at the Bridgend Crematorium
I hope that as many as possible will be able to give her a good send off and all are equally invited to the Wake which will probably be at the Masonic Hall.

Thank you all for the lovely cards and words of sympathy

Yours S & F
Adare Lodge No. 9247



Copy of posting by  Martyn Daley  PZ & Almoner C9247

(Posted at the request of W.Bro. D. Peter Davies, PPrGPurs, Almoner L9247)



With much sorrow, I bring you the news of the sad passing of Mrs Val' David of Tondu, Bridgend.

Val was the wife of W.Bro. Roger A. David, PPrSGD (PPrJGW designate), PM and Secretary of Bridgend's Adare Lodge No 9247; Past First Principal of Adare Chapter No 9247 and currently First Pricipal of Llangeinor Chapter No 4194. Roger is possibly better known around the wider Province as the current Editor of the Provincial Magazine Y Dalaith.

Having suffered poor health for several years, Val had been in hospital since the beginning of March and underwent two operations in that time.

Prior to her illnesses Val' was a regular attender at social functions at Bridgend Masonic Hall. She and Roger were seemingly inseparable. Characteristically, I understand that Val remained optimistic and cheerful throughout her indisposition; perhaps in large part from the high level of devoted and dedicated care she received from Roger, who apart from his busy Masonic life, is still very active in business.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Roger at this very sad time. He has expressed his gratitude for all the cards and messages of sympathy and support that he has received and hopes that as many as are able will attend Val's funeral which will take place at 1.15pm on Monday 27th March 2017 at Coychurch Crematorium, Bridgend, CF35 6AB. Light refreshments will be available after the service a short distance away at the Masonic Hall, Coychurch Road, Bridgend, CF31 2AP. 


Yours fraternally,

Martyn Daley
PZ & Almoner C9247

(Posted at the request of W.Bro. D. Peter Davies, PPrGPurs, Almoner L9247)


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At the request of W.Bro. Ralph Jones, PPrJGW, Secretary of Glanogwr Lodge No 8508, I bring you an update to the news of the passing of Mrs Anne Edwards, wife of W.Bro. Dyfrig Edwards, PPrGSwdB, PM 8508. Dyfrig is currently First Principal of Glanogwr (Royal Arch) Chapter, No. 8508; Junior Warden of Y Bont Faen Lodge, No. 8533; and Director of Ceremonies of Glanogwr Lodge, No. 8508.

Mrs Edwards died suddenly at home in Pencoed, Bridgend, in the early hours of 27th February, despite Dyfrig's efforts to resuscitate her.

Of course, our thoughts and prayers continue to be with Dyfrig and the family at this difficult and particularly traumatic time. 

The funeral service will take place at Coychurch Crematorium, Bridgend, CF35 6AB, at 1.15pm on Tuesday 14th March. Friends and family will be welcome to gather for light refreshments after the service at Southerndown Golf Club, CF32 0QP. Family flowers only, by request, but donations in lieu in aid of the British Heart Foundation, if desired may be sent via the Funeral Directors Mel & Ron Watkins of Pencoed.


Yours sincerely and fraternally,

Martyn Daley
PM 5084

The Trustees of the Bridgend Masonic Lodges Charitable Trust offer their deepest sympathy to their fellow Trustee and Brother, Dyfrig Edwards, at this most dreadful of times and assure him and his family of their willingness to assist in whatever ways may be helpful.

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